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The Advantages of Private Boat Charters

private boat tours charleston sc

In times like these, staying a few feet apart from the people around us has become especially important. COVID is still here for now and it’s understandable to be taking precautions. Private boat charters in Charleston, SC like us at Charleston Yacht Tours have had to adapt. This article will focus on the advantages of private charters.

Let’s get started.

No Strangers

In March of 2020, when the virus and fear were at their height, most of us made a few major shopping trips and then stayed at home for as long as possible. Thankfully, things are starting to cool down. When you take a private boat charter, you will be aware of the people that you are with prior to leaving. Also, chances are, you’ve probably talked with the friends and family that you’re going with about whether you have the vaccine or not.

No strangers will be on your trip with you. With this in mind, no one is going to be all up in your space and making you feel uncomfortable. Regardless of COVID, this is a major plus! You will have all the space to yourself to relax and have a wonderful experience on the water.

Play The Music You Like

One major disadvantage to being on a public charter is that you will have little to no say over what music is being played. While it’s not our place to put down specific genres of music, let’s just say that you won’t have to worry about things getting too rowdy, unless that’s something your group is into! The ambiance is totally in your control.

Bring Your Own Food and Drink

Rather than food and drink being pre-selected in a public charter, private charters offer the ability for you to bring your own. No more soggy and premade or preheated food. Bring champagne and have a blast! We encourage it.

Go Where You Want to Go

Private boat tours in Charleston, SC are beautiful! With private boat charters, you actually have a say in the places that you want to visit and see. Instead of constantly hearing guides over the intercom telling you where you are and when to look, you can plan ahead. Your group will have the decision before you even go on the water to decide on what you want to see and do.

Plus, when you are already mid-way through your charter, you can make changes as a group and decide on where you want to go and what you want to do next.

Be Able to Go Swimming!

This is a big one. On public charters, the boat is typically always on the move. This means that you won’t ever be able to jump into and enjoy the water directly. Even when public charters do park, there is a liability for those in charge and they won’t ever ever want anyone to leave the boat. On private boat charters, make sure you pack a swimsuit because it’s much different.

As a group, you will have the ability to say when you want to stop. Since the group is typically smaller and staff on board are equipped with emergency knowledge, you will be permitted to swim around. Just don’t go too far away because then it can get confusing.

Book For As Long As You Like

When booking a private boat charter, the dates and hours that you select are very flexible. Contrary to that, public charters have limited availability and little to no flexibility when it comes to changes to the amount of time on the water. Plus, if you decide you want to pay to stay on the water for another hour or two during your charter, this is doable when there isn’t another booking urgently ahead of yours.

The Wrap Up

Clearly, private boat charters have significant advantages over public boat charters. As a side note, private boat charters won’t leave the boat without you when you’re late by a few minutes. That just won’t happen.

For private boat charters in Charleston, SC, think of Charleston Yacht Tours. We are most popular for bachelorette parties but are equipped to handle any fun time that you and your group desire. Contact us with any questions and make your booking today.

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